Our Blog
It doesn’t take a massive remodel, or a big budget, to make your house feel a little more like home to you. Inside or out, small improvements can make a significant difference — and whether you’re handy or not, you can handle most of them yourself. Don’t believe it? Just check out our list of […]
June 8, 2020
“What really makes a teacher is love … for it is love that transforms the social duty of the educator into the higher consciousness of a mission.” Almost everyone has a story about a teacher who inspired them—the one who made learning fun, ignited a passion for a specific topic, or even pushed students hard […]
May 4, 2020
Helping You Keep Your Flood Insurance Protection The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) extended the grace period to renew a National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance policy from 30 days to 120 days, in response to COVID-19. This extension provides additional peace of mind as we approach hurricane season and summer flood season. Qualifying […]
April 29, 2020
Congratulations! After weeks of research, comparing makes and models, and taking test drives you finally bought that brand-new car you wanted. But before you take that well-deserved road trip, check one more item off your list: the right car insurance. While some auto coverage options are essential whatever the age of your car, new vehicles […]
April 8, 2020
We want to remind you that your policies with Auto-Owners include Auto-Owners Customer Center access. It’s available online and there are mobile applications for both Apple and Android devices. All you need to do is download the Auto-Owners Mobile app or go to https://www.auto-owners.com/, click Log In, and enroll. Then you will be able to […]
April 7, 2020
On April 1, 2020, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued a Safer at Home Order that requires residents to stay home from work unless their job is considered an essential service starting today, April 3rd. Here are just a few examples of the types of businesses that are considered essential services: Workers such as plumbers, electricians, […]
April 3, 2020
In an effort to comply with the Governor’s order to stay at home, the doors of AWA will be closed, and the whole staff will be working remotely, from each of their homes. However, as always, we will be here to take care of your insurance needs. For now, temporarily, until we get our new […]
April 1, 2020
To our valued customers: Due to the current unprecedented situation in our country, AWA is implementing several changes in the operation of our business. We value your business today, as we have for the past 40 years. The measures that we are implementing, are solely to protect you, our clients, as well as our employees. […]
March 23, 2020
A safe home, a regular routine, a soft bed – the things that bring you comfort bring your pet comfort, too. It’s so important to give some advance thought to how you’d handle your pet responsibilities during and after a disastrous storm or other event. Your family emergency plan should include considerations for Fluffy or […]
March 18, 2020
AWA Insurance is trying our best to enlighten people in the community on the facts we know thus far in regards to the Coronavirus. Just a friendly reminder to wash your hands often and keep them away from your face if possible. We hope everyone stays safe, happy and healthy during this time! Click Here […]
March 9, 2020